Sex Amma

Sex Amma: My Girlfriend is into Group Sex and Insists I do it with her Best Friend

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Sex Amma answers your questions about hookups and complications with sheer humour and wit.
“Amma, My girlfriend is into group sex and insists I do it with her best friend. I am new to this and find it scary. What stresses me the most is my stamina and failure to perform. Please help!”
Ah, my beloved munchkin! Before you jump into a threesome you need to know what is scaring you. Is it the idea of a threesome, or performance anxiety? If the idea of a threesome makes you uncomfortable, then telling your girlfriend that with honesty is the only option.

However, if your fear of performing well, letting people (and things down) at the wrong time is holding you back, fret not! Your sexual performance depends on attraction and comfort. If you wish to pursue a threesome, get to know the third person involved. Arrange your meeting in a way that involves interaction, familiarity, and an establishment of a certain degree of comfort.
My dearest dosa, couples do set up certain rules before entering threesomes or group sex. Deciding how far you want to take it and if it will be a one-time thing or a regular event, should be discussed in advance. Amma would like to remind that as you involve someone else in your sex life (and in your sheets), their sexual health, inevitably, becomes your sexual health. Disclose and demand disclosure of any history of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), and be aware of different forms of birth control and protection from STDs.
Remember, my dearest dosa, the phrase “the more, the merrier,” is apt for your sex life as well. The only rule is to be honest, safe, and respectful. These are the cardinal rules of the holy institution of good sex, and those who respect it are generously rewarded.
Be a good host to the new idli who might be joining your sex life. Good luck and don’t forget to keep Amma updated about how it went!
Sex Amma
(Write to Sex Amma at to find answers to your sexual queries).

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