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Different Types of Photography Lighting

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It’s as difficult to write about emotions as it is to capture them on camera. For this very purpose, the photographers at DU Beat have compiled a collection of their best photographs to highlight the different types of lighting effects that could be incorporated to give the photographs the desired look.

Golden Hour

The golden hour is an hour before sunset and an hour after sunrise. The best part about golden light is that it is soft, warm, and dimensional.

Blue Hour

The blue hour is a period of twilight in the morning and the evening. The sun is at a significant depth below the horizon and the residual, indirect sunlight takes a blue shade.

Night Time

Photography in the night time is an eternal bliss. You can click beautiful pictures with moonlight, star trails, light trails, city lights etc.


You will get the most amount of light during the day.  In the full sun, use the Sunny 16 rule to get amazing pictures. Set your aperture to f/16, the ISO should stay around 100 and the Shutter Speed to about 1/100 or 1/125.


A twilight photo is usually taken at dusk to showcase landscape/property lighting, pool lighting and features like fire pits, and a beautiful sunset.


Photographers use the backlight to add depth into the photograph. Many others use it to create a more dramatic effect.

Front light

Front light evenly illuminates your subject. The shadow it casts is behind the subject, out of the sight of the camera’s point of view.


Sidelighting is a useful way to bring out the texture of the subject. It works very well for creating areas of strong shadow in the image.

Tyndall Effect

Tyndall Effect is the phenomena of the scattering of light by particles in a colloid or in a very fine suspension. Tall trees which a form a canopy like structure in the top create beautiful images with the Tyndall Effect.

Dramatic Light

Storms and bad weather are usually considered as hindrances, but if you are in the right location after the storm clears, then you will be able to create a lot of drama in the picture. The clouds and the lights can play together to create the desired dramatic effect.


Feature Image Credits: Surabhi Khare for DU Beat

Surabhi Khare

Ayush Chauhan

Piyush Dua

Saubhagya Saxena

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