Life at Delhi University

Pros that are actually Cons of College

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You think that college life has a few pros after all? Think again! The hectic life of a college student is actually all cons if you look closely. Here are some of the “pros” that are actually cons in pleasant disguise (try to find a healthy balance between the two to smooth out the contradictions!) –


Pro: You can do whatever you want! Gone are the days when asking for your parents’ permission was necessary to even step out of the house at 2 in the afternoon and here are the days of stepping into the house at 2 in the night. College doesn’t require you to come to class everyday and it lets you explore more than just monotonous classes and heavy books.

Con of the Pro: Getting to completely make your own decisions might sound like a blessing when you’re heading out to party and choosing Blueberry Cheesecake at Majnu ka Tila over your classes. However, you might feel the heat when internals are right around the corner and you don’t know a thing for that test on Monday! You can always get the five marks for attendance, but that is not always an option when you’ve done too much of exploring and too little of classes.

Pro: You can wear whatever you want! No more of the same outfit everyday and the strict rules regarding the ties and the socks of your boring uniform. Plus avoiding stains on that white shirt seemed impossible! Now you can go to college wearing anything from your comfy hoodie to your favourite ripped jeans and tell the world that you’re more than just the white shirt of your former uniforms.

Con of the Pro: Deciding what to wear every single working day of the week will excite you for the maybe the first six months of college. As the working days keep increasing and your excitement in fashion keeps decreasing, you will see yourself going to college in a pair of three-day old pajamas and chappals and wishing to get back the uniform. To top that off, now you have to save all your best clothes from the inevitable stains.


Pro: You eat out – a lot. Ordering food was only a one-time thing when mommy dearest was there to serve her best home cooked meals to you on a silver platter (sometimes, literally). But now pizzas, biryani and momos are your staples and you couldn’t be happier. Who needs mom’s boring and healthy food when you have McDonald’s on speed dial?


Con of the Pro: Eating a burger a day can make your best shape go away. After a designated number of cheesy, deep-fried things that cost you a lot of your pocket money, you’ll realise how much you miss the simple dal-chawal of home. Not only is the junk food causing harm to your body and to your wallet, it also makes you extremely homesick.


Pro: College will give you many opportunities. From societies to internships to seminars to talks – college will always have something or the other to offer to help you grow. Finally, life will seem more than just scoring sky high scores.

Con of the Pro: Amongst all the adventures of college life, you’ll have almost zero sleep. Did you think you could get the best of both worlds and also get sleep? Three hours of sleep will be more than enough when you’d be juggling between the ten things that your college has to offer. And don’t forget, that you have to also socialize in that time!

In the constant battle between students and college, don’t let college win. Try to end your three years with experiences, memories, and of course, a degree.


Anagha Rakta


Anagha Rakta

Head of Web at DU Beat (2017-18), and a passionate writer from Miranda House, with a sweet tooth and a funny bone.

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