Campus Central

Union Elections 2016 held in Kamala Nehru College

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th October, 2016.The last year’s Proctor, Komal Priya, of Geography Honours; was declared the President of the Students’ Union for this year. Unlike last year, none of the posts went uncontested; where the post of the President witnessed four contenders, Vice-President and General Secretary saw three and two contenders respectively. Ritu Yadav of B.Com (Pass), the Vice-President, has also formerly served in the union as a Proctor in her first year. There was a huge margin of victory for the President, Komal. Prasansha, a second year student, was tagged with the post of the General Secretary; who defeated her opponent by 300 votes. Vandaya from 1st year is the new Treasurer for Kamala Nehru College, who grabbed the maximum margin of victory of 400 votes. The Proctor Team for first, second and third years is headed by Monika, Aayushi Jain and Nidhi Sharma respectively. This election was preceded by a pre-election debate on 29th September, 2016 and an interview round presided over by college union authorities. Kamala Nehru College’s Union Elections were delayed by a few weeks due to the NAAC visit to college earlier last month. The team is currently preparing for upcoming Diwali celebrations in college. Arushi Pathak Image by Ritu Yadav for Kamala Nehru College]]>

Arushi Pathak

Arushi Pathak is a (over-enthusiastic) senior pursuing Economics Honours from DU. The Associate Editor at DU Beat, she is an avid debater and can’t refrain from expressing her opinion over everything. Somehow obsessed with New York City (and all sitcoms set in NYC), she day-dreams to live there soon. She is a die-hard Grey’s Anatomy fan and can’t have enough of tragedy-themed novels. She believes that she has got the best of both worlds-Economics and Journalism. Always ready for a pep-talk or a life-changing discussion equally readily, she can be contacted at

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