DUB Speak

When opening a present feels like ripping off a Band- Aid: Vani Vivek, Editor 2015-16

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Farewells are usually like impending exams – you know they’re inevitable and yet they manage to sneak up on you out of nowhere. At DU Beat, farewells are like bittersweet presents – bursting at the seams with memories, experiences, and lessons. For two years, I had helped gift this present to seniors; to be at the receiving end this time feels… weird.

DU Beat has grown exponentially since I joined as a starry-eyed fresher, and I have very proudly grown with it. From about 10,000 likes on Facebook in the summer of 2013, we are at over 2,15,000 today. By covering events live, reporting on relevant issues, and presenting opinions on matters pertinent to the youth, DU Beat has continued to be a source of dependable news for students and faculty alike.

This year, we aimed at letting more voices from the University emerge through polls on DUSU elections, and providing more coverage to off- campus colleges by signing up as media partners for more than 300 events across Delhi University. The organisation itself has grown to a team of 70 students making up the editorial, design, marketing, and human resource departments.

It has been a privilege to have learned from seniors who laid the foundation for DU Beat’s growth and to have led a team of enthusiastic students who will undoubtedly do wonders with this space. Working with a group ready to slog under the June sun to distribute admission- special issues and sacrifice sleep to meet deadlines, my years at DUB have ingrained in me the worth of having a committed team by one’s side.

To be a part of this team that has come to define college life for many of us, send your CVs to recruitment@dubeat.com.


Vani Vivek, Editor (2015-2016)

Vani Vivek

vaniv@dubeat.com; 'Trying to unlearn one societal belief at a time, I'm passionate about topics of feminism and atheism and have recently started discovering nihilism. If I were to reconstruct the world, I'd start by mixing in a little more compassion and a lot of space for intelligent conversations.'

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