Maitreyi College

Abhivyakti, the Dramatics Society of Maitreyi College hosted their annual fest AKS’ 16

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To express what is inside them and what they fight for, ABHIVYAKTI- The dramatics society of Maitreyi College drew the curtains on the 19th of March, with AKS’ 2016, the annual stage play festival at The Little Theatre Group. The hosts left no stone unturned to make the event a grand success.

The event started with the College of Business Studies performing their annual production, Red Sparrow. The story covers a young everyday girl, who is also an aspiring writer but unlike other writers who sketch imaginary characters, this girl portrays the souls of the ever known famous writers and playwrights. Red sparrow brings home comedy, sincerity all at the same time.
With their usual energy, Ramjas College’s Deluxe Hair Cutting Saloon was marked as the second performance for the evening, the play was a deep insight into the idea of the ignorance of soul-searching, that is finding the flaws and weaknesses in others without looking inside the souls of one’s own.

The third quarter of AKS had in it, the beautiful performance by the dramatics society of Khalsa College, named Phandi. The play is a courtroom drama, consisting of a poor truck driver, phandi and an unsuccessful lawyer, Bhagatram. The story marks the irony of the judicial system and it’s obvious happenings. While phandi’s circumstances lay unnoticed, Bhagatram’s denial in the corrupt system is the most noticeable affair.

The audience was not enough surprised when Players, the team of Kirori Mal College marked their inherited footsteps with Certificate 16, the play accepted in the Indian standards of film certification, where the regional differences and political differences find a place in the cultural differences. The narratives also define the importance of space.

The final footstep of the Colour Bakery Production House was the limelight of a successful evening. With it’s enthralling actors and laudable music, Misprint laid the foundations of a light comedy where, in the name of relationships, the society is staging it’s own plays, it’s own drama. The satire bring us back to what people call, ‘aukat’. Thus, it stood upright in making people laugh out at their own insanity and foolery.

With Misprint, Abhivyakti closed the doors for AKS’16, an inherited blessing of the society.

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