QWERTY: The Narendra Modi App

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With the amount of travelling that our PM has done in the past year, I am sure that every politically aware and responsible citizen of our nation who voted for him or didn’t, will agree on the fact that one of the most difficult thing to do is to keep themselves updated with the movements of our beloved Namo. There are even memes on the web saying to bring back our PM first rather than the black money he promised to. Seems like the voice of such “responsible Indians” have reached the ears of our PM and to keep everyone in the nation updated with his plans, the PM launched his app on 17th June.

The interface: It has a very decent and elegant interface. If there’s one thing that our PM exudes, it’s confidence. And the app is very coherent with this quality of his. Blue, the colour of harmony and confidence, has been used very tastefully and intelligently by the designers. The app sends out a strong signal to the user that this is going to be the digital legacy of a great and powerful personality.


After registration, the home page is a News page which features articles telling the latest activities of our PM. It’s a parallax scroll page. Clicking on article takes the user to a new screen which has a sub menu bar under the main menu bar with options ‘web’, ’smart’, ’picture’, ’social’ and ‘video’. Web has the whole article with all the images, quotes and videos. Under smart tab only the textual part of the article is present. Video and Picture tabs contain all the videos and photos related to the article respectively. Under social tab, all the important quotes are shown which can be shared across various social media channels. Users can also change the size of font they want to view the article in and can also add it to read it later section with options in the main menu bar.



There’s an option in the top right corner below the menu bar where you can switch viewing articles according to most recent ones or most popular ones. The menu bar is itself very plain with only three icons: an arrow icon with which you can view the articles by either ascending or descending order, a magnifying glass which is a search option and three dots which when touched opens a box with an array of options. The menu box has around 15 options such as news, interact with PM, messages from PM, speeches, governance, my profile etc.



Exploring the Menu: The app’s purpose is to connect every other person with a phone to the PM and it is very much conveyed through the options it houses in the menu box. There’s an ‘Interact with PM’ option which opens your inbox with messages from PM. There are ‘write to PM’ and ‘give ideas & suggestions’ tabs alongside the inbox. Among other options there is ‘social buzz’ which opens up the PM’s twitter and Facebook page. ‘Blogs’, ‘Speeches’, ‘Interviews’, ‘Media Coverage’ & ‘Infographics’ are some other options which basically encompass PM’s interaction with Media and the Web. Users can also give their feedback about the app.

The app is built around the idea that every user that registers should not only be able to connect with the PM but can also feel connected to the politics of the nation and be a part of decision making process. So to achieve the latter goal of the app, there’s a ‘To-do Tasks’ options where the user has to view videos or read an e-book or answer a multiple choice question , all related to PM in some or the other way. Points are given on completing every task. The user can view their total points under ‘my profile’ option. Users are awarded with badges as the points increase, signifying that the users are becoming more active and more responsible towards decision making process in this nation, the ultimate goal being to become “true-change maker”. The highest badge present so far in the gallery is of SUPER FAN worth 500 points.

Verdict: A very effective and elegant solution by PM to make every Indian citizen more politically aware and connected with the politics of the nation. Hats-off to the design team of the app.


The Good:

1. Simple yet extra ordinary interface.

2. Extremely light app.

3. Serves the purpose it is made for.

4. It has an in-built video player so doesn’t redirects to YouTube or any other video streaming application.


The Bad:

1. Doesn’t have an in-built browser so user has to use a third party browser every time they want to see content beyond the app.

2. Uninstalling, reinstalling and registering through same username again and again adds to the total points.


Image Credits: www.americanbazaaronline.com


Kavach Chandra













Kavach Chandra

Originally selected to be a part of tech team , he took upon writing qwerty owing to his interest for writing. He is in absolute love with the first generation of technologists who have shown this golden era to the field. Practically worships them; any word against Gates or Jobs will lead you into a verbal battle with him. Ping him at kavachc@dubeat for advice about any problem with your pc or laptop anytime.

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