
Investigating the Infrastructure: Are we safe under DU roofs?

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Although the monsoon in Delhi this year hasn’t been all that harsh, it is troubling to see how even the mildest of its forms is enough to cause trouble for the students in Delhi University, if not for the authorities. It is quite ironical that almost every college of DU has a welcoming ‘infrastructure’ column on their website, when actually most of them lack in basic amenities, quite contradictory to the claims of upper UGC authorities on investing crores of money particularly on the infrastructure related reforms and basic facilities such as fans, tube lights and switchboards.


The real picture is rather sad. Kirori Mal College’s auditorium, for instance. With a history shared by legendary actors such as Amitabh Bachhan, it was known as one of the best auditoriums of its time. However, while the dramatic society of the college is still considered as one of the best in the University, the auditorium has been called the ‘worst of all’ and has been deemed too dangerous to exist by the experts. Nonetheless, the need for infrastructure related reforms is not limited to societies. The other of many problems being — never ending constructions for something as simple as a lift for the handicapped. Ramjas College on the other hand has a major science department construction going on which is rather very omnipresent in its nature. “Every day I see huge trucks containing boulders being parked near the canteen area. It is like a metro-station construction.” A second year student from the physics dept. reports. But more importantly, there are roofs that need actual attention. While in some rooms leakage is reported, on the other hand there are two areas where roofs have actually collapsed. DCAC and Satyawati college on the other hand is on its never ending repairment mode. Jesus and Mary college reports a similar situation accompanied by the a severe mosquito infestation. Venkateswara is inflicted by cracking roofs especially in the canteen. Therefore, the question that remains is not regarding the appeal of the infrastructure. But rather, are we even safe under their roofs? –

Picture credits: Chirag Sharma

Priyanka Kapoor



DU Beat

Journalism has been called the “first rough draft of history”. D.U.B may be termed as the first rough draft of DU history. Freedom to Express.

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