Ramjas College

Ramjas College organises Mukhatib 2015

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Shunya the Dramatics Society of Ramjas college organised its annual street play festival ‘Mukhatib’ in the Economics lawn within the college campus. With ‘A Tribute to R.K Laxman’ as the theme the issues focused on by the performing teams drew from the works of India’s beloved political cartoonist. There were a total of nine teams and each performing for around 20-25 minutes each. The Chief guest for the day was Mr. Shivam Pradhan who is well known for his role in films like Do Dooni Char (2010) and Good Night (2008). The Fest kicked off around 11 AM with Shivaji College performing first.

Vayam – Jane kaha gaye vo din (Shivaji College)

The dramatics society of Shivaji college highlighted upon the rapid disappearance of India’s local art forms. ‘Lok Kala‘ which at one time used to draw major crowd, now has become virtually non-existent with the arrival of televised entertainment. Focusing on the plight of street performers they blamed the government for not taking an interest to promote such forms of art and instead preserving them as the ‘dying art forms of India’. Societal acceptance and respect for their ‘kala’ is what they deserve and is what we should give them.

IbtidaKissa Jana Anjana (Hindu College)

Going against the well known phrase ‘Ignorance is Bliss’ they touched upon how we choose to be oblivious to everyday issues within the society. Choosing to ignore them will not always exclude us from the problems which we will inadvertently bring upon ourselves. Being a part of the society they stressed upon the importance of inculcating the habit to maintain in us fundamental values and basic civic responsibilities.

The Dramatics Society Kotwal (Sri Ram College of Commerce)

The play revolves around the inefficiency and atrocities committed by the Indian Police in the name of maintaining law and order. They advocated the effective implementation of the seven directives issued to state governments by the Supreme Court in the year 2006. As a message to the audience the students of SRCC have expressed equal share of the blame between the police and the general public for adequate reforms not taking place.

Manchtantra – Hum gum ho gaye (Guru Gobind Singh College/ GGS)

Enacting the deplorable conditions of the now ‘Vimukta Jati’ or ‘Ex-criminal Tribes’ the students of GGS college brought to light the hardships faced by the denotified tribes of the Indian Constituency. Declared habitual criminals by the Criminal Tribes Act 1871 which was amended through a Habitual Offenders Act (1952), these people have to bear the brunt of stereotyping. With countable number of people willing to offer them jobs and with virtually no education and identity they find it difficult to make two ends meet. Proposing a solution they showed that if the government would provide them alternative sources of livelihood, they would be better accepted in society and earn their own identities.

ShunyaMardood (Ramjas College)

The hosts of ‘Mukhatib’ went on to challenge the general perceptions of people about Prostitution. They focused upon the problems of sex workers who are never looked upon as individuals with identity or respect. Sex workers enter into the business of their own volition and earn to feed the family. That it should be seen as a profession and legalised on paper and in practice as well was the focal point of their act.

MannmarziyaanAbhivyakti ( IP College for Women)

This play stressed against hyper consumerism and irrational buying. With the looming influence of media and pop culture the accumulation of materialistic possessions has begun to shape social identities. To meet ones’ self believed needs one takes to consuming irrationally. Giving a direction they encouraged the consumer to ignore wants and prioritise needs.

AnubhutiAkhri Bazaar (Sri Venkateshwara College)

Suicide affects the victims’ near and dear ones and has far reaching consequences than one usually presumes. Bringing out the guilt and rejection that family members go through and presenting an insight into what leads an individual to commit to it was the core focus of their act. As a message to the audience they emphasized the need to emotionally support possible suicide victims and survivors.

DramanomicsNabbe second ki red light (College of Vocational Studies)

Nabbe second ki red light questions the society’s treatment towards beggars. Expressing pity is as far as we are willing to go to help these people. The State does little to acknowledge their existence. Voluntarism as opposed to giving alms was what they emphasised on as a doable alternative. Efforts in the same by the public can prove to be much more effective than the State.

AnkurWelcome to the Machine (Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Khalsa College)

The play exemplifies how religious fundamentalist forces are asserting their dominance over the general population through education, culture and other institutional structures. Challenging the concept of Fundamentalism as a whole they put up a direct and impactful performance articulating the obvious repercussions.

Featured image credits: Arindam Goswami

Arindam Goswami

Currently in my third year, studying Political Science major at Ramjas College. I love chicken and books and sleeping. If you want to talk, feel free to drop me a mail at arindamg@dubeat.com or you can reach me through Facebook, Arindam Goswami. Kudos!

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