
Motilal Nehru College celebrates Ecoverve, the annual Economics fest

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Wirtschaft, the economics society of Motilal Nehru College, held the 8th edition of its annual economics fest, Ecoverve, on the 18th and 19th of February 2015. We bring you a summary of the festivities of the two days.

Ecoverve was inaugurated with an opening ceremony graced by chief guest Dr. Praveen Jha who is the chairperson of the Centre for Economic Studies and Planning and also the Centre for Informal Sector and Labour Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University. The ceremony was followed by the three consecutive events on the 1st day and four on the 2nd:

Quiz-Bee: It was divided into two rounds, Preliminary and Mains, the latter of which was further subdivided in 5 rounds at the end of which College of Vocational Studies took away the winner’s title. The quizmaster, Mr. Amit Poddar (senior regional head of the prestigious T.I.M.E institute) conducted the quiz with immense zeal and zest leading to the same sort of response from the participants as well. The questions were General Knowledge based and included many visuals as well.

Young managers: It included a quick aptitude test, a round called ‘Strategies’ to test the participants’ managerial mindset and concluded in ‘Beg, Borrow, Steal’. The host college itself outshone to become the winners. The competition was ‘fun and fair’ according to a participant.
Fantasy Cricket League: This event was an innovation to test participants on their cricket quotient through a series of question-answers and a fantasy auction where participants had to bid for their favourite international cricketers (much like IPL) within a given budget. The team from Deen Dayal Upadhaya, with the best eleven cricketers bagged the winner’s title. Wirtschaft somewhat fulfilled every cricketer fan’s dream through this round.
Group Discussion: GD included three rounds with thought provoking topics, the one for the final round being, ‘Criminal abilities of women have always been underestimated’. MLNC won the title prize.
DEBATE: Motion of the house was ‘Freedom of speech is a myth in India’. Titles won were as follows-
Best speaker from HMITM (IP University)
Best team from Venkateshwara and Kamla Nehru College.
Best Interjector from Zakir Hussain College
treasure Hunt: This event broke records with around 200 registrations, participants were divided into teams of 2-3 players each. They went through four impressive rounds of energy, entertainment and excitement.
Ad-Mad: It made the final leg of Ecoverve utmost fascinating with its first round judging teams on their knowledge of various brands and their advertisements while the second made them present short innovative gags to market their allotted products. Products included items like “lipstick’, dantmanjan’ and ‘love guru institute’.
Apart from these, there were also filler events like 7 Up 7 Down, Bulls Eye and Fancy Photos.
“The fest concluded smoothly without any ruckus and was a huge success in my opinion. We highlighted events which were both innovative and engaging due to which the level of enthusiasm was high from organisers as well as participants. We have certainly set an enviable bar for others at the beginning of the fest season”, says Vikram Khanna, Vice President, Wirtschaft.

Ishani Rajkhowa

Ishani Rajkhowa is a student of Economics Honors at MLNC. She wishes to build a career in Economics while enjoying writing/journalism as a hobby. She believes writing has immense power and has also been a concrete tool in her work for animal welfare to which she is truly devoted since the dawn of her college life. Ishani has diverse interests which includes an inquisitive attitude towards history, politics and she can often be seen engrossed in the TOI app in her phone. She knows the right balance between work, fun and family(including her dogs who are dearest to her).

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