Campus Central

DU B. Tech students fight for an AICTE approved degree

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th February, 2015 being the last date to submit applications to the AICTE for their approval has brought many students together, to fight for their rights. On 9th February, 2015: The protest began at the Vishwa Vidalaya metro station and then proceeded to the Vice Chancellor’s office. Students came in large numbers to show their agitation and disappointment towards the casual attitude of the authorities regarding the validation of their degree. A group of students was then, sent inside to meet the Dean of Welfare Association and the Registrar, who gave no assurance regarding their agenda. The matter was then taken to the members of Delhi University Teachers’ Association, who asked for four days to look into the issue and come up with a solution, but failed to do so. On 12th February, 2015 Disappointed by the ‘blame game’ going on between the VC and principals of individual colleges, the students went to the MHRD India, to ask for their right of a valid degree. The protest initiated at Jantar Mantar and further proceeded to the MHRD Office. The students decided not to give up even after a few of them were arrested by the police.  

Featured Image credits: Vijayant Kumar]]>
Shaurya Sahai

Shaurya is a 2nd year B.Tech student from Hansraj College. She is an amateur photographer and also an aspiring poet.She is in love with sleeping and dreams about reading a lot of novels but never really ends up doing that!

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