DUB Speak

A day in the life of a student

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After years of living a life where discipline existed, where procrastination was a sin, where deadlines were not just some dates, and where listening to parents and doing as they said always seemed to be the right thing, we finally landed into college!

A day in the life of a college student usually begins with the snooze button on the alarm clock being hit a million times until they realise the likes of 8:00AM lectures exist. While some of us manage to get out of our beds (just for the sake of attendance), others just accept the fact that attending the first lecture is just not their cup of tea. Even after missing out on the first one, our WhatsApp is flooded messages of speculation and proxy requests and ways of dodging this cruel world. And most of the times, the conversation is ended with, “Aaj rehne de, kal se saari classes attend karenge!”

Throughout the college life, most of our valuable time is spent exploring various food joints and hang-out spots around the campus. While the tongue searches for the tastiest food, the eyes scrutinize the menu for the cheapest rates. On the other hand, outstation students usually grab bites from their friends’ tiffin boxes which carry home-made food.

Low attendance has a direct consequence of lack of notes, which are given the least of attention until an internal/external exam gets scheduled for the next day. This is the time when photocopiers feel like stars with students lined up in front of their shops with their bundle of notes to be photocopied. The nights before exams prove to be a raging battle between the drowsing eyes and the untouched books. Every room’s door in the hostel is knocked, at the middle of the night to ask for Maggi, coffee, milk, fruits or any other thing that’ll help them to make it through the night.

Amidst the race of meeting deadlines for the in-time, parties and treats, friends and friendships and a bit of lectures and studies, college life goes on and becomes the best part of one’s life!

Featured image courtesy: Dailymail.co.uk

Shaurya Sahai

Shaurya Sahai

Shaurya is a 2nd year B.Tech student from Hansraj College. She is an amateur photographer and also an aspiring poet.She is in love with sleeping and dreams about reading a lot of novels but never really ends up doing that!

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