DUB Speak

Beyond The cliché: History Honours

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There is nothing more stereotyped in DU circles than the erstwhile History student. From tweed jackets and kurta-jhola to Old Monk, we have seen it all. The popular perception in India is that a major in History, only leads to a life in JNU or the Civil Services. Historians are not said to be ill-equipped (both mentally and academically) to deal with a fast-paced, math oriented corporate career. Here is a list of career options that go beyond the cliché.


A major in history gives you two important skills that are invaluable for a career in Journalism, the ability to write well and a socio-cultural understanding of a region. If you like travelling and living on the go, then a career in journalism is for you.


What better than a person with a stereotyped degree, to change the stereotypes about a profession. Policies never develop in isolation, a major in history will help you understand the cultural differences in areas and help in a broad, yet precise understanding of India. If you like interacting with people, then this is for you.

Historical Consultant

Imagine if in Troy they had Chinese roofs over their homes, it wouldn’t look very realistic. People who make good movies, normally get their facts right. To do so they need people with an intimate knowledge of that period and the actions of people therein. If you have an interest in historical fiction and like recreating the past, here is your calling.


If you have the ability to think things out through logic, then a career in law is an option you can try out. A major in history gives you the ability to sift through a lot of random data to find out what is important, an important skill in law. You also have the ability to make boring things sound interesting.

Corporate Sector

If you like Mathematics, then there are a variety of jobs that are available to you in the corporate sector like data analyst, back-end consultant etc. A lot of companies are okay with hiring history graduates as they look for logic, lateral thinking and the ability to do mental math. Also, there are a variety of jobs in the non-technical field like administration and HR.

Ashish Mathew

DU Beat

Journalism has been called the “first rough draft of history”. D.U.B may be termed as the first rough draft of DU history. Freedom to Express.

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