A gamer’s destiny: Bungie gears up to release the greatest game after Halo

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The whole world is geared up to witness the future of gaming – the launch of Destiny. While most are excited, some are sceptical and the rest in denial – Destiny is destined to create massive ripples in the immense ocean of gaming. But why?

The buzz is partly due to its investment. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End  was estimated to be the most expensive movie ever, having a budget of $300 million. Destiny is a video-game with a whopping budget of $500 million (almost twice as GTA 5)! As is obvious, it is the most expensive video-game ever!

Apart from the economics, there are nostalgic reasons as well. Even if you are a moderate gamer, the name Halo would ring a few bells. Halo is the 3rd most popular gaming franchise, claiming to have sold over 3 billion copies! You may even be aware of the Call of Duty franchise as well – the bestselling videogame franchise ever (9 billion copies)! Halo’s developer studio Bungie & COD’s publisher Activision have teamed up to build this video-game masterpiece –Destiny.

However the real reason for the hysteria, is the game itself! The game aspires to fuse many diverse video-gaming genres into on virtual universe where players can interact with one another as they complete their missions. With magnificent VFX & futuristic gameplay,  It’s a synthesis of FPS & RPG gaming.


“The story is set 700 years in the future, where intergalactic colonization is prevalent.  Players need to choose their character from three castes – titan, warlock or hunter- each with its own skills and talents.”

You can personalize your character, learn new abilities and collect weapons as you go around. Gamers across the world need to work together to counter the evil aliens and protect humanity.

The biggest strength of the game is its visual appeal. Along with mind blowing graphics the game features a well-developed virtual infrastructure – the locations will take your breath away (Trust me!). Also, the game blends Halo’s action with the customizations of World of Warcraft – it’s delicious!

The game is available on PlayStation (3, 4) & Xbox (360, One). To add to the hysteria, even at a price tag of $60 (Rs 4000 in India) it has become the most preordered game ever! Hailed as “Game of the Decade”, Destiny will reach the stores on 9th September.

So pick up your controllers and get ready for battle, see what Destiny holds for you!

Game On.

Sidhant Ryan Malhotra

Exudes the curiosity & enthusiasm of a child, yet he surprises you with his tenacity. He prefers being called SyD and is addicted to playing video-games & watching Californication series! Technology is his opium & he is known among his peers for providing effective tech-help (and unconventional relationship advice!). Associated with various organizations & individuals, Syd is extremely fascinated by Human Psychology, Evolutionary Biology, Greek & Indian mythology, Cosmology, Natural Magic and of course, Bollywood. He likes to party like there's no tomorrow and lives by the phrase -hakuna matata! Ping him on sidhantm@dubeat.com for any assistance or otherwise ^_^

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