
Dr. Shashi Tharoor addresses students at Shri Ram Leadership Summit

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Club for Leadership, Innovation and Finance (CLIF) conducted the second Shri Ram Leadership Summit on Thursday, 7th August. The event scheduled to start at 9.30am kept the massive crowd waiting to be exhilarated by the intellect of MP and former Cabinet Minister, Dr. Shashi Tharoor.

Mr. Amit Garg, Operations and Collection Manager, General Electrics (Asia Pacific) kick started the event with a touching “Namaste” and enlightened the audience with the real difference between the terms “spirituality” and “religion”. A firm believer of spirituality, he is the Chairman of Satyug Darshan Technical Campus which provides education at three levels – theoretical, practical and spiritual. He further spoke about the four pillars that make up a leader- Dream big, Scrap shortcut, Perseverance and Develop Integrity.  He also mentioned the importance of “Smart Goals” or specific goals that are realistic and time bound and also about the need to keep a check on our progress towards them. SUCCESS = IDEA + SPEED + DELIVERY, this is the equation that Mr. Garg professes, and so does he profess the thought, ” You cannot discover oceans if you are afraid to lose sight of the shore”.  The core of these ideologies is that any idea is a waste unless acted upon in due time and one cannot act upon such ideas unless they develop the courage to do so.

A short documentary on the CBI was shown in order to pave the entry of CBI Director, Mr. Ranjit Sinha who briefly spoke about corruption and the autonomy of CBI. The third in line to speak was IPS & DCP Delhi Police, Mr. Madhur Verma who addressed the issues of women safety and implementation of Project Parivartan to impart self defense training to women. He concluded by expressing his delight on his wife being a former student of the very college in which he, today, stood as an esteemed guest.

At last, Dr. Shashi Tharoor addressed the audience with his charismatic views on leadership stating specifically that there are basically two types of leaders – one whom the masses merely hear, applaud and forget; while the other being the one whom people listen to, admire and follow.  He encouraged questions from the audience, the one which raised most eyebrows being, “Have you ever done anything regretful in your personal life?”  To everyone’s amazement, Dr. Tharoor patiently replied that people do make regretful decisions in their personal and political lives. However, he refused to disclose any such incident. With this, the event came to a close.


Ishani Rajkhowa

Picture credits: Chirag Sharma for DU Beat


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