
Humouroscope: 12th – 18th January, 2014

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Aries –Lots of strangers are catching your eye but for them to notice you, you seriously need to lose those extra kilos. Trust us on this one.

Taurus – Your uptight behaviour is going to cause some tensions with a friend. The good part is you never really liked them anyway.

Gemini – Love? Love not? Your double face is being troublesome to all so make up your mind and for once stick by it.

Cancer – “Super annoying” and “Emotional dweeb” are your new nicknames. You are definitely sounding more fun than last week.

Leo – People are questioning your intentions. Not that we care, but you should probably work on that.

Virgo – Stop your matchmaking services and go talk to that new foreign exchange cutie. Spare your single friends.

Libra– It’s time to make it happen. With all your energy focused and stars aligned, this is the perfect week to get out of bed.

Scorpio – You are simply amazing! Or at least that is what you think about yourself. Cut down on the narcissism.

Sagittarius – This is not your week. The pimple is not going anywhere. We suggest the new Himalaya face wash.

Capricorn – Birthday month is going to get you a lot of alcohol. Make sure you spill out all your secrets. Alcohol is always the best excuse.

Aquarius – Stop paying for your friends. You know they are never going to pay you back.

Pisces – You are burdened with all the work. Team mates are useless. Pretending to be sick is the best option.

DU Beat

Journalism has been called the “first rough draft of history”. D.U.B may be termed as the first rough draft of DU history. Freedom to Express.

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