Campus Central

Harmony 2013: Day 3

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To Stephanians, the company of one another is absolute bliss that alleviates any spurt of boredom. As stereotyped as it may be reckoned, St. Stephen’s is a world of its own for the college dwellers who rejoiced in harmony in the entirety of the fest. Frequent showers of rain interrupted Day 3 of Harmony. However, this didn’t let down the spirits of the Stephanians and they kicked off with the day’s event with avidity. First event of the day was Scavenger’s Hunt, which saw huge participation. About 49 teams got registered for this fun trail. They were given a list of 48 items to be collected in 1 hour in which they could collect only 5 pictures in total for any item. Shreya, Siddharth, Anusha and Diksha battled out and managed to win this competition. Up next was FLAME {Fashion, Literature, Art, Music, Entertainment}, the Quiz that received a handsome response from quiz lovers and drilled them with some mindboggling questions. The students showcased their creativity with colors and brushes in a Texture Art competition. The topic given to them was “abstract” and students in large number painted their masterpieces. Sherlock Holmes drew huge crowds where a team of two {one impersonating Sherlock Holmes and the other as Watson} set to solve the murder mystery. All the teams were provided with a case study, which they were asked to solve in given time. Five selected teams who reached the finals were then allowed to interview suspects and witness the crime scene. “It was really very interesting, something different” shared of the participants. This was followed by Theatrics in the college hall. The aura of the college was very musical where songs were being dedicated by students to their fellow mates. Paintball and graffiti were also a welcome addition at the fest. Theatrics was conquered by Yang and Subodh, claiming the first and second position respectively. Giving way to sarcasm and exaggeration alike, Mocktaves gave vent to the mimicry talents of the students. Participants gathered to mock and imitate the extremely popular professors of the college who in satirical view had everybody rolling with laughter. Rahul emerged as the clear winner who with his extremely entertaining act had everybody in splits. Footloose was another event which commenced with a number of participants paired to rock to the tunes. Elimination after each thump rendered the top ten participants exulting in the glory and ultimately trying to oust each other. This by far was the most amusing event where everyone let their hair down.  The day concluded giving way to a rocking performance by the band Parikrama, preparations for which were in full swing.  

Sakshi Gupta (
Poornima Kharbanda (
DU Beat

Journalism has been called the “first rough draft of history”. D.U.B may be termed as the first rough draft of DU history. Freedom to Express.

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