Campus Central

Harmony 2013: Day 1

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The annual fest of St. Stephen’s College – Harmony 2013 began with a blast. It was wonderfully exhilarating with a variety of songs, dances, and videos. The inaugural ceremony began with the Indian Choreography Society showcasing beautiful, well coordinated, and traditional Indian dances. Following this was the Western Choreography Society; with a medley of contemporary Bollywood songs, they got the crowd in the mood to have fun. ‘Through The Looking Glass’ is the most awaited part of every fest at St. Stephen’s College. It consists of a video filled with pictures, which capture those deadly, can’t-be-missed crazy moments, accompanied by funny comments and gossip. It was shorter than usual – and dedicated to the graduating batch of 2013. However, it still brought smiles to the faces of many. The rest of the day was filled with events like Tug of War, Face Painting and a Science Quiz. There was lot of activity, and something to do for everyone present. The day ended with a Battle of the Bands event. It was a well organised first day – filled with excitement and laughter. It lived up to the tagline of the fest: colours of life – which were plentiful and present in every corner of the college.   Adita Bhatia]]>

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