Sex Amma

Sex Amma

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I’ve done that several times, and the days that follow are full of apprehension about whether or not I’m pregnant. I’ve heard about home pregnancy tests, could you tell me more about them?


Yes, my lovely payasam, home pregnancy tests are a relatively hassle-free way of ascertaining your pregnancy status, atleast better than going to a health centre with your boyfriend and bumping into that pesky neighbourhood aunty. There is significant debate over when the results of a test are most reliable…27 days after conception/10-12 days after a missed period/one day after a missed period…the best solution is to repeat the test periodically.

False positives, though rare, can occur due to consumption of marijuana, asprin, hormones, birth control pills, methadone, tranquilizers, etc. So be careful while popping those pills!

A word of advice: perform the test in the morning when urine is the most concentrated. BUT, my little machhi, you can use them at any time of the day. Pregnancy tests are easier than launching a space shuttle, so calm your fluttering nerves and enjoy your moments of love.



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