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Top 5 things we have learnt from the movie 3 Idiots:

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1. The more you refuse a job, the more eager they will be to hire you.
2. One can take a road trip to Ladakh in borrowed pants and bridal dress without bothering to stop by a woolens shop on the way. Friends provide the warmth in our lives we suppose.
3. One can offer to ‘invent’ common devices long in existence but still have a professor of engineering disbelieve such appliances can exist. A remote control helicopter or a battery operated inverter anyone? Perhaps someone should offer to invent the wheel now.
4. When gate crashing a wedding, mind your own business and concentrate on the food. Otherwise you may be stuck with your professor for a father-in-law.
5. How to woo a girl? Spill chutney on her fiancé’s shoes. If that doesn’t work steal her watch. If that too fails disappear for a while and then return a mad scientist with multi-billion contracts in tow. The multi-billion part ought to catch her attention.

DU Beat

Journalism has been called the “first rough draft of history”. D.U.B may be termed as the first rough draft of DU history. Freedom to Express.

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