DUB Speak

Upcoming Event: Suite 719

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Suite 719 is the winter production of Dionysius Productions. This three act play is an adaptation and combination of two plays “Plaza Suite” and “Last of the Red Hot lovers” written by the witty American playwright, Neil Simon. Suite 719 is a comic satire on mid life crisis and it’s not so pleasant effects on marriage. All three acts of the play take place in Suite 719 of the Plaza Hotel in New Delhi. The first act revolves around a not-so-blissfully wed pair of a forgetful homemaker and an egotistic businessman who are revisiting their honeymoon suite to bring the park back into their marriage. The second act is about a smelly-fingered fish restaurant owner’s first attempt in 25 years to cheat on his wife with a sarcastic and intimidating mistress, a woman so cold she needs “gloves to take off her underwear”. The third act introduces a married couples idiosyncrasies on their daughter’s wedding day.

The play, directed by Ankita Mahabir and Rananjay Singh Bhandari, will be presented at LTG Auditorium on Friday, 13th November from 7.30 to 9.00 pm.

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Journalism has been called the “first rough draft of history”. D.U.B may be termed as the first rough draft of DU history. Freedom to Express.

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