
Dress To Impress

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Like it or not for an effective first impression appearances do matter. We tell you how not to loose out on your dream internship because of an unfavorable first impression. First thing first, find out what sort of a work environment you are heading for. Research about the industry and based on that decide whether to lean more towards the conservative side or the creative side.


If you are heading for an internship in sectors such as law, accounting, finance or consulting – strictly formal is the way to go. Men can’t go wrong with a solid colored suit with coordinated full sleeved shirt and tie. Try and match your belt with your shoes and socks with your pants. Girls if you can pull off a smart skirt-suit then go for it otherwise opt for a chic and casual salwar-kameez. W’s clothing line is tailor made for such events. Make-up, jewelry, perfume and cologne should be kept minimal. Keep it simple and fuss free.


If you fancy a career in the creative industry – advertising, media, fashion or PR you can play up your formal wear by adding your own personal touches such as a bright hand bag or a statement necklace. Since the creative industries are not rigid about dress codes make sure your personality shines through in what you wear without going outlandish. Men too can take liberties with their wardrobe. However, make sure you are not spotted in any of the following- flip flops, piercings, hoodies, dirty denims, floaters, floaters with socks, week old stubble, chewed nails, spiky hair and bling bling. Guys leave your hip-hop hangover at home.


Invest in a good quality plastic folder with sections to keep your certificates, résumé, pen etc. rather than trying to balance all of it in your hands. It will make it much easier to take them out when required without spilling over. If it’s a campus interview leave your back pack in the waiting area and carry only the documents.


At the end of the day, looking well groomed and sharply dressed for an interview serves to reflect your professionalism. By making an effort to look the part, you are surely increasing your chances of making a favorable first impression.



Journalism has been called the “first rough draft of history”. D.U.B may be termed as the first rough draft of DU history. Freedom to Express.

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