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5 Ways For DU Students To Earn Money

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Be it financial constraints back home or the want to fulfil material dreams, dearth of money can play a significant part. In a scenario where many organisations commit to irregular stipend, it is tedious to find an organisation or for that matter an area that promises decent and regular payment and an environment that is exploitation free. Here are areas where you can easily come across such organisations:

  1. Content Writing

If one does enough research in finding an ideal organisation, there can’t be anything better, but if not, there can’t be anything worse. The best thing about this area is that it entertains every discipline and is diverse. While looking for an organisation that offers content writing, make sure that the organisation:

  1. Offers contract letter stating all the terms and conditions at the time of appointment.
  2. Puts the appointees on probation in the beginning.
  3. Pays you per article but not per word.
  4. Matches your area of interest.
  5. Has flexible members.


  1. Tour Guide

There are many tour agencies active online that allow for one to be a freelance tour guide. These organisations don’t have professional tour guides but individuals who have passion for the areas that they take tours in. Individuals also get the opportunity to meet new people including foreigners. People who are interested in art, photography, culture, music and history can try this avenue.


  1. Restaurants

Working at corporations like Mcdonald’s , KFC or Domino’s is the safest in terms of job security. These organisations pay hourly and also offer a free meal to its employees every day. Employees are also given insurance and health coverage. Most of the restaurants entertain part timers as well.


  1. Giving subtitles to movies

This online based job allows one to use his/her lingual capacities to the best. The need for people who can give English or Hindi subtitles to English, Hindi, Telugu, Bengali or Tamil movies is immense. One gets paid per movie. However, one needs to be careful of the unorganised nature of this sector.


  1. Internships

While one looks for a paid internship, she needs to also look at the scope of personal development. If, in the name of marketing, an organisation asks you to share an application with ten of your friends, then that accounts to exploitation and deterioration of the self. One needs to look for internships that are free of exploitative elements, isn’t pressurising and pays well.


Hits road cycling or gym when others party hard. A fitness freak with also interests in Politics, Literature and Philosophy, he is also an ardent traveller who defines travelling as a composition of heritage, language and markets and not just ‘food’ with has become a metonym for travelling nowadays. An English Honours student at Hindu College, he hates fiction but loves the subject because of its inter disciplinary nature.

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